
The soil of each of our vineyards are neutral or slightly alkaline. To this layer – as soil formating – the following soil types are layered:

  •  loess containing lime
  •  clay

On the plateau and on the northern slopes the following soil types can also be found:

  •  rendzina (a Slavic world meaning rattling)
  •  chernozem.

The main components of the soil of Villány wine region:

  • dolomite,
  • marl
  • limestone from the Cretaceous
  • clay or occasionally sandy loess cover.


Due to its location and situation Villány mountains are ideal for grape growing. On the southern slopes of their east-west mountain range a special microclimate is created. It belongs to a warm, moderately humid climate zone. The annual average temperature is between 10–11°C, which corresponds to the national average, however the average hours of sunshine range between 2100 and 2150 hours. The sunniest period of the year takes place at the end of summer. The last spring frosts are likely to happen before 10 April, and the frost free season usually lasts until the second half of October. On the southern slopes over 200 frost free days are expected annually.

Grape varieties

  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Kékfrankos (aka Blaufränkisch)
  • Blauburger
  • Merlot
  • Pinot Noir
  • Petit Verdot
  • Portugieser
  • Irsai Olivér
  • Zenit
  • Shiraz
  • Cabernet Franc
  • Olaszrizling (aka Welschriesling)
  • Hárslevelű


It is known as one of the best vineyard in Villány lying between Villány and Nagyharsány, on the southern slopes of Szársomlyó mountain (442 m). The entire area is 63 hectares, the southernmost vineyards of Hungary are situated here at an altitude of 120–130 meters above sea level. From the feet of the mountain towards the peak the soil gets thinner and thinner, on the highest places the limestone bedrock gets visible – that is what the mountain is named after, since Kopár means ’Bare’. The vines grow smaller, but more concentrated clusters rich in minerals. Grapes harvested here ripen two weeks earlier compared to other vineyards and are always fully ripened. The huge rock mass of Szársomlyó mountain creates an entirely unique microclimate in this vineyard. The heat taken from the sunlight during daytime is reflected back at night, therefore the area lacks major temperature fluctuations between day and night. The highest amount of solar energy arrives to this very area in Hungary, and as a consequensce of southern exposure, the number of sunny hours is the highest here in our country (2100 hours). The bunches of grapes are embraced by sunlight almost from every direction. The grape varieties planted here are Cabernet Sauvignon (10 ha) and Cabernet Franc (4 ha). The training system is mainly mid-wire (70 cm) cordon, single curtain and guyot with 5435 vines / hectare.


It lies north of Ördögárok (The Devil’s Ditch) vineyard, on the boundary of three communes (Villány, Villánykövesd, Nagyharsány) at an altitude of 250 m above sea level. The winery planted 13 hectares of Cabernet Sauvignon in 2016, and 2 hectares of Kékfrankos are also cultivated here. Training system: mid-wire cordon with 5208 vines / hectare.


The grape variety grown in this vineyard is called Blauburger, the entire plantation is 12 hectares with 5435 vines / hectare and mid-wire cordon training system. The vineyard has southern exposure, therefore grapes ripen fully safely, we are able to harvest grapes with entire ripeness every year without risk. The vineyard received its name after the typical cover crop of the area: ’bocor’ is an ancient word for ’bokor’, meaning bush.


Csillagvölgy means ’The Valley of the Stars’. An area located between Szársomlyó mountain and the town of Villány, open to the south with forests towards the upper parcels. Its altitude above sea level is around 170–180 meters. The south, south–west sloping Csillagvölgy vineyard also boasts unique microclimate since its vineyards on the two sides of the area form a smaller valley or channel with its slopes turning south-east and south-west. Grape varieties grown in Csillagvölgy: Cabernet Sauvignon (11 ha), Merlot (10 ha), Kékfrankos (15 ha). Training system: mid-wire (70 cm) cordon and single curtain with 5435 vines / hectare.


A vineyard sloping down from the feet of Fekete-hegy (’Black mountain’). The majority of the area is flat, its altitude above sea level is between 140 and 180 meters. Grape varieties grown here: Merlot (16 ha), Kékfrankos (21 ha), Cabernet Sauvignon (11 ha) and Pinot Noir (5 ha). Training system: mid-wire cordon and single curtain with 3333 vines / hectare.


Fekete-hegy (literally ’Black mountain’) is almost hidden with its 341 meters altitude at the east end of Villány mountains, behind Szársomlyó, which is about 100 meters higher. Its name probably comes from the location as well, since in certain periods of the day Szársomlyó casts shadow on it, thus the Black mountain may originate in this phenomenon. The area was leased for years and the estate took it back in 2018. Expected time of plantation: 2020.


Grape varieties grown: Portugieser (25 ha), Pinot Noir (9 ha). Training system: single curtain with 5435 wines / hectare. South exposed area. We have parcels on the summit and also on the slopes of more than 12%. We usually harvest very nice Portugieser in this vineyard.


Grape varieties grown here: Merlot (11 ha), Cabernet Franc (23 ha), Cabernet Sauvignon (11 ha), Petit Verdot (3 ha). Training system: single curtain with 5000 and 5435 wines / hectare. Hársos (meaning ’linden trees’) is in the neighbourhood of Hajdus vineyard and they share similar aptitude. The vineyard usually grows especially beautiful Merlot.


Hegyalja (meaning ’The Feet of the Mountain’) is a rather flat area that belongs to the commune of Kisharsány. The altitude above sea level is less than 160 meters. Grape varieties grown here: Merlot (8 ha), Pinot Noir (12 ha). Training system: umbrella with 3333 wines / hectare. We reconstructed 13 hectares in 2017 and 27 hectares in 2018, and as a consequence besides Cabernet Sauvignon white varieties are grown as well, 12 hectares Olaszrizling, 12 ha Irsai Olivér and 2 ha Zenit – these two latter ones are new for our plantations. Within the renewal process we increased the number of vines / hectare to 5435. In these parcels the training system is single curtain and mid-wire cordon.


This famous vineyard is likely to have been named after the battle of Szársomlyó in 1687. According to the legend the imperial troops had defeated the Turkish enemy, and after the triumph the crying of the wounded Turks were being heard from the mountains for several weeks. We cultivate 9 hectares of Shiraz with mid-wire training system and 5435 vines / hectare, and we also grow 5 ha Merlot with single curtain training system, with 5435 vines / hectare as well.


Ördögárok (’The Devil’s Ditch) is considered to be one of the best and most prestigious vineyards of Villány wine region. A hot valley with southern exposion, with the highest amount of heat in Villány. Its total area is approximately 60 hectares, and it belongs partially to Villány and partially to Nagyharsány. The name of the vineyard (’Teufelsgraben’ in German) refers to a legend of Nagyharsány, which tells the story of the ditch or valley running among the mountains, having been ploughed by the devil itself. In the 1970’s grapegrowing was suspended in the area and was planted with forest. On the summit of the mountain – also classified to be part of Ördögárok – our winery has 11 ha Cabernet Sauvignon and 11 ha Kékfrankos. These plantations were renewed in 2009. The training systems used here are mid-wire cordon and single curtain with 5435 vines / hectare. The vineyard is located at an altitude of 150–250 meters above sea level.


The area is located at the western feet of Szársomlyó mountain. 18 hectares of Shiraz was planted in 2019, with mid-wire training system and 5435 vines / hectare. A sloping vineyard with limestone bedrock and shallow layer of soil constantly heated by sunlight, as a result an ideal vineyard for black varieties. It is likely to have received its name after a forest, which had been cut out long ago.